
In my normal course of surfing around I happened to visit Ready Made. They have a really cool project up right now, the slide lamp. I don't even have a 35-mm camera anymore, but I'm going to have to scare one up and take a couple of rolls of slide film and try this out. Too cool. I really like Ready Made. It would be the perfect magazine if they'd forget about writing so many articles and focus on the craft projects. I usually don't enjoy the articles very much.

I haven't done much crafting lately. I've been busy with other stuff and I kinda go in cycles with everything. I wanted to make a necklace like this one that I bought at Target ('cept in a different color) but I couldn't find the proper parts. Maybe I'll look through the online beading sources. But really, I don't want to gather anymore stuff. We've got to move and the less stuff we've got to move, the better.


I was surfing around when I came across the Tour De France website. I don't watch it, but my dad is into it and so it's a kind of peripheral interest of mine. So I took a look at the site and they had a really cool graphic feel. And I wanted a desktop wallpaper for my computer, but they didn't have one. So I nabbed the image off their site and used it to trace up a desktop. What a nerdy little thing to do with my time, no?

Download it: 1600×1200 | 1024×768 | 800×600 Continue reading “Plans”

Harry Potter and the Middle of Nowhere

I just hopped over to Fandango to pre-buy my tix for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Man was I surprosed to see that none of the theatres in our area have online ticketing!!! I'd never tried to get tix through Fandango for this area before. That's what's wrong with living in the middle of nowhere.

On the plus side, they are showing it on the IMAX, so that's a coup. 141 minutes of Harry Potter. All of the reviews I've read so far say that it's really different from the first two and better. Darker, but edgier and more realistic. I can't wait! Continue reading “Harry Potter and the Middle of Nowhere”

Bods and Mods

Urgh! I've had the worst headache allll day long. And after doing all of my usual tricks, it still won't go away. I've had a nap, taken sudafed, even had some caffeine (although I'm really no longer addicted to caffeine). And nothing I do seems to work. How irritating.

On a totally unrelated note, we have decided that our next PC will be a media center style PC. Matt's been itching to get another computer since the one he's working on these days is about 4 years old and slow and stuff. So we talked about it and decided that as a fun project, we'll make our own computer and a cool mod case to go with it. For those of you who aren't in the know, mod cases are not your standard off-the-shelf style computer cases. You can either take an off-the-shelf case and modify it (cut out parts of the panels, add funky lighting, paint it all weird) or you can totally go crazy and make a case entirely out of … say wood or cardboard and then add the necessary bits (power supply, fan, etc.) and you've got yourself a one-of-a-kind PC. Some people go totally crazy with them and put a refrigerator on the bottom or other neat stuff like that. I was going to paste up some links, but The Screensavers website has gone all wonky since Tech TV merged with G4 and now I can't find a damn thing. Continue reading “Bods and Mods”

Nashville or Bust

Well Gilmore Girls was certainly good last night. I thought they did the whole thing justice and I really really enjoyed it. By Geroge, they've got it figured out again! Although, I must say. If they do any stupid crap to make the Luke/Lorelai thing not work, I will be very very very upset. I don't know where I want them to pick it back up in the fall either. In some ways, I'd like if they skip ahead a bit so we don't have to see Rory deal with all the Dean stuff. But I'd also like to see Lorelai and Luke get together, so in that way, I hope it doesn't skip any time. I'm guessing it won't skip much time because they have more material when Rory's at home and the writers will probably want to do all the messy Dean stuff. Intrigue.

Aside from TV, I'm getting ready to head to Nashville. We're leaving early on Friday, so stuff has got to be handled by then. I'm taking Miss May to the groomer's today so she can get her ridiculously long nails trimmed and her coat trimmed and her extra ears (these weird little furry balls she gets behind her ears) clipped off and she'll be all nice and pretty smelling for in the car and at Matt's Dad's house. I've also got to get car food and entertainment together and get stuff packed! Matt has been working very much, so he hasn't been available to help. But I'm looking forward to a very nice weekend with him … when he won't be bugged with phone calls from work every other second. Continue reading “Nashville or Bust”

Pics That Way –>

Matt and I went for a walk and I was inspired to take a few pictures. There were some cool mushrooms and a really pretty sky that's getting poised to storm like crazy. I love this time of year. Everything is green and gorgeous and flowering. Kudos nature. Another great spring.

I'm planning to work on our paper scrapbook for the France trip but for some reason I can't find the sticky letters we bought for the cover which is making me mad because I know I put them in some sensible place yesterday but now I can't remember what that place is. Oi. I guess I can continue without them, but I'd really rather have everything to start them.

Back to Zzzzz …

I'm tired! I went to bed at a sort of reasonable hour and then I very unreasonably couldn't sleep. I don't know why. I don't make up the rules. It's a nice morning though. Well if you don't have to get up and take the puppy out. As it's freezing cold and snowing again. But it's not grey and icky.

We had a lovely weekend. Nothing major happened. We did quite a bit of cooking. I'll link to a couple recipes down below. I also made Matt a nifty Scrabble tack board for his office. I'd post instructions in my craft section, but it's so easy, there's really no point. Basically, you mount an old scrabble board on a piece of foam core (or whatever) and then you glue tacks to the back of the tiles and figure out some way to hang the thing up. It turned out pretty cute. Thanks Readymade #4!

We also played a lot of DDRMax2 as well. It's a very nifty playstation dance game. We really got quite a bit better in the 3 days we've owned it. It's so much fun.

Ack! I just accidently pushed the back button and I wasn't focused on this form thingy, and it went back a page and I thought I'd lost all this! I think it's a sign that I'm done.

Nice Weekend

It's been a really nice weekend. Nothing in particular happened that was real exciting, but who cares. We relaxed a lot and worked a bit too. Now it's Sunday night and Alias is on and we're in good spirits to start the week.

I completed a new project, but more importantly, I finished the automation of my crafts section. So you can now take a gander at my latest crafty endeavor … paint chip wallets. Link's below.

Don't You Love Weekends??

I certainly do. Matt and I get to do what we do best … have fun. We ran errands this morning, which is something we really like to do because we get to spend some time together. This afternoon we'll be doing work at our respective computers and then we'll make some dinner together and then we're going to embark on the latest final fantasy adventure, X-2. Those are always so enjoyable. I will also probably work on my paint-chip wallet sometime.

I went out yesterday and picked up the chips from our local hardware store. Then Matt helped me cut them up last night and I've started to weave them together. They look really really pretty! Tonight, I've got to coax my sewing machine into sewing them for me and add on a few pockets and such.

I've also got a lot more pictures from our trip to put up, but I'm waiting because the newest pictures are the ones that show up on the home page, and I don't do new pics all that often, so I'd like for these to stay up for a bit…

Sooo Cold!

It is sooooo cold. 22 degrees according to It was snowing when I took May out and I could actually look down on my jacket and see the snowflakes still perfect on my jacket. That was kinda cool. The puppy of course, taking no notice of the cold, took her sweet time with her outdoors business. Whereas I froze my buns off. It's supposed to keep staying this cold. So of course, I don't want to go anywhere, even though we have errands to run.

I'm revamping the crafts section now. It's going to be all automated. So that's why not all is up yet. It will be soon though.