
I want to do a site re-design. I like loads about the site as it is, but I think I could improve other things … the skins switch the colors around, but it doesn't change the layout, and that would be cool. I'd also like to add some other features … I still want to do a travel section to keep track of things I've visited and things I want to visit…

Matt is going back to Cali next week, which is a bummer. I miss him loads and I take to eating frozen things instead of cooking and talking to Loki lots (actually, I do this anyhow). I read about this dog that does yoga. It reminded me of this t'shirt I saw where there was a woman doing downward facing dog facing her dog doing downward facing dog. Pretty cute. I sincerely doubt Loki would be bothered with yoga. It's not quite active enough for him.

I woke up in the bad part of my REM cycle and I still haven't woken up completely. I'm groggy and a bit grumpy. Traffic seemed bad, but I got to work on time even though I left a bit late … go figure.

My uncle gave me a copy of the new Bob Dylan CD. I haven't listened to it yet, but it's supposed to be amazing. I think I'll queue it up while I'm doing my busy work t'day. I'll let you know how it is.

I have two packages on their way. One is b'day presents for two people and the other is a pair of pants and a pair of shoes for me from Old Navy. I love getting packages.

Maybe I'll write something more substantial later .. but I doubt it.

2 Replies to “Musings”

  1. Sometimes its just good to have a post about everything. I like your Homer pic. I sent it to my husband who LOVES The Simpsons and is trying to drink 100 beers in 2006. He found a site where some guy is drinking 365 beers. I don't know why I mentioned that.

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