Am I losing my mind???

I distinctly remember making a post yesterday, and yet when I came out to the computer this morning, it's not here. Am I going crazy? I think it was about JS2 and Sims2. Where the heck is it? I've emailed my host to ask them if they had a server failure that might have led to a loss of data. Otherwise, I'm afraid that it's to the loony bin for me.

Ah ha! The support dude has emailed me back (good work too, as it's 7 AM in Cali right now). There were server problems this morning. So I'm not going crazy(er). Oh well! Guess that's a post lost for the ages.Last night, Matt and I went over to some friends house for dinner. Sameer and Amita are from India, and Amita cooked us amazing Indian food. I don't remember what anything was called, but there were things with batter that had onion in them that we both liked very much, and some chick-peas with curry, and some okra and some flat-bread and some rice . We had some fruit in cream for dessert too. It was very good!

Then we got to see some footage from their wedding, which was so colorful and interesting. Absolutely amazing.

Tonight, Matt's mommy and his brother are breezing into town from Nashville on their way (ish) to Denver. They'll make a little stop-over here and then head on out in a few days.

I bet it's been warmer in the south than it has been here lately! We've been seeing 60 degree weather and rain and ick! It finally looks sunny today. I just hope the temperature matches!!

3 Replies to “Am I losing my mind???”

  1. Glad the support dude got back in touch; I did see that post, so you most certainly are not insane. I've been liking this cold weather. Feels like back to school time!

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