Ben at 6 Months!

The last couple of months have absolutely flown by and here we are in late October. Yesterday, we celebrated half a year with Ben as a part of our family. It is amazing how much has changed just in the path couple of months.

Ben is doing quite well at sitting on his own, and even better with just a little assistance from someone’s legs or a boppy. This is particularly advantageous since he is too heavy to carry around in his infant carseat and has been upgraded to the convertible. He seems to like it better, but it means we lose the carrier for the grocery store and restaurants. He really enjoys his tummy time and can roll back and forth just fine and likes to “swim” on the floor, kicking up his arms and legs. He also loves to lie on his back and grab his toes.

While he CAN hold his own bottle, he prefers to leave that task to one of his many staff members, including big sister (who has limited patience for extended bottle holding). He is eating quite a few solids and seems to really miss them if we try to skip giving them to him. He’s had most of the readily available members of the fruit and veggie group and rice cereal, of course. I’m looking forward to being able to give him a little more variety in the near future. Unfortunately, all this solid-eating doesn’t seem to have helped his sleep very much.

Verbally, he is hilarious. He baby-talks to us a lot and you can hear him imitate sound we make, especially “hi!” and kissing noises. He is big into music, just like Tabby was, but he seems to prefer our singing to CDs (why?!) and likes to go to sleep with someone singing to him. He definitely recognizes his name and turns when he hears voices he knows. He loves to hear big sister talking and is entertained by her whether she’s doing it on purpose (dancing and singing for him) or not (throwing a fit).

He is quite the big boy, wearing mostly size 12 months and size 3 diapers. I will be very interested to see what his percentiles are like this time and what he’s going to look like at a year old. We are loving him and his happy disposition. Even this past couple of weeks when he’s had a bit of a cold, he is still a smiley, happy guy. He’s so much fun! How’d we get so lucky?

5 Replies to “Ben at 6 Months!”

  1. He and LG are pretty similar. Isn't it funny how much different they are than their siblings? Although, she sleeps pretty well at night. It's getting to the point now, where her time in our bed in the mornings, is limited. I used to be able to get her to sleep in pretty late, but now it's not without a good bit of kicking, screaming and punching. She's mad that I won't let her sleep on her face!

    There's no way she's ready to hold her own bottle though, she tries, but we use glass, and since they're so heavy, I cut her some slack.

    I'm also LOVING the happy baby thing this time around. Love.

    And P.S. Thanks for letting me know about World Adventures. Hee.

  2. He is so adorable, and looks a lot like Tabby in that photo. I'm glad you were blessed with such a happy baby. Wanna trade? I'm kidding, of course. Mostly, anyway.

  3. What a charming little man you have there. Glad Ben is doing well and the entire family enjoys him so. Olivia too wore larger clothes at that age, diapers too and pretty happy even when sick.

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