
So Friday morning, after a week (or two?) of feeling kinda meh (that lingering cold sort of thing), I woke up feeling pretty OK. I got myself and the kiddos dressed and we met up with Grandma and GiGi (that's great grandma for those of you not in the know). We went to Holiday Mart (fun!) and lunch and then we took GiGi home. About halfway from GiGi's house back to mine, I started feeling extremely tired. Then achy.

When I got home I turned it all over to Matt and headed straight to bed. There I proceeded to pass out for the next several hours and spike a temp of 103. Yay!

I spent pretty much the entire (gorgeous) weekend in bed. Coughing. Having a fever. And chill. And aches. Monday too. Tabby demanded to go to Grandma's on Saturday morning and spent pretty much the entire weekend there. Smart girl. Despite not feeling 100%, Matt tended to me and Ben. He is now sick with the flu. I think I'm starting to feel better (oh please, God, oh please) and fortunately the kids seem not to have caught this flu and just have their lingering snotty noses (knock on wood repeatedly, oh please, God, oh please).

Cuz this is supposed to be a busy week. I've already cancelled like 5 things. I would prefer to cancel only like 1 or 2 more. Y'know … the things I didn't really wanna do anyhow.

Of course, one good thing has come out of this. I actually read an entire book. The paper variety (as opposed to the audio variety that are currently my bread and butter). Yes, while lying in bed freezing and drifting in and out of sleep, I read Dan Brown's latest book, Lost Symbol. Man does that make for some weird fever dreams.

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