Hail and Oher Miscellany

Ok, so apparently while I was at work today, minding my own business, mother nature decided to hurl ice cubes at my garden. And I'm rather ticked off at her. I don't know how extensive the damage is yet, but I am hoping not too bad … oy. I am home now and it is thundering ominously.

What else is going on? Just been your average busy week. Tabby has been hilariously tired when she gets home from daycare in the evenings. She went to bed at 6 PM one night this week (though we probably could have put her in bed around 5) and today she fell asleep in my car on the way home and I brought her in and put her on a blanket on the floor of our family room and she has proceeded to nap for about 30 min now. She gets so worn out playing outside and refusing take naps and all.

Oh … CSA update. The hippies called to say that the problem is that we're not on their email list. Our blasted cool weather this year has caused them to postpone first pickup two weeks (until June 12th). I'm not THRILLED about the lack of communication, but at least there was a halfway decent reason. Oh … the reason that we're not on their email list? That would be because I could never get their crappy website to create me an account and they never answered my voicemail on the subject. Patience. Ohm.

Oh yea … andThats right. Hurled itself down from the top shelf in our garage onto the cold, cruel concrete floor. Actually, it's my fault. I killed it. I pulled it off the shelf from an awkward angle and dropped it.
I think I shall investigate adopting one of its many many brethern at our local thrift store. Now that that whole low carb meat thing is over, I'm sure there's quite a few up for grabs.

RIP George Foreman Grill … 2004-2008

2 Replies to “Hail and Oher Miscellany”

  1. Poor grill. We had the mini one, a free gift from the store where we registered for our wedding 7 years ago. We used it for awhile, and then not so much.

    Glad those lax hippies finally got back to you.

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