I'm trying to calculate out all of the Christmas finances … who owes what to whom. It's terribly complicated. It gets to be amazingly circular and then it doesn't quite add up. Yeesh. I've already pulled out my TI-89 from my college days but it might not be enough. Maybe I'll have to load up Excel.
I also just recently found out that Simon and Garfunkle toured together from late October 'til January and I missed it! I'm quite POed. That's a tour I would have paid beau coup bucks to get in on. I LOVE Simon and Garfunkle. Grrrr.
I worked out on weights for the first time yesterday since before Christmas. It felt good then, but now I'm not so sure. I'm sort of really sore all around my shoulders and back. I guess it means it worked some muscles or something, eh? That's gotta be good.
Ok, enough whining. Back to calculations.
Aloha, Jess!
Checking out your site–it's so cool!