The Tale of Two Bugs

Back at work today … I'd planned on going in yesterday, but when I woke up and attempted to grab a shower, I found that I could not stand for any length of time without feeling very ill. So I spent the rest of the day under the covers, watching my box set of Grey's Anatomy (and by watching I mean it played in the background while I drifted in and out of consciousness). Being sick herself, Tabby was very sleepy and cuddly and she took two good naps with me (2.5 hours +, unheard of for her). I really think she spent more time asleep than awake yesterday. But she is, thankfully, back to her happy babyself (at least between naps). YAY!

In mother-daughter sharing that is sure to continue for many years to come, Tabby and I have exchanged bugs. I now have her cold and she has my GI bug. Though both seem to have lost some of their juice in transfering hosts. Matt on the other hand seems to have possibly simultaneously contracted both after taking care of both of us for the past few days. So sad that I have to go to work and can't stay at home with him.

5 Replies to “The Tale of Two Bugs”

  1. The good thing is that Tabby is feeling better. The bad is that yes, unfortunately, you guys are going to be sharing germs all the time now.
    We went though about a week of that ourselves. The last one to get it was Alec this past weekend. Oh, and yesterday 21 kids were sent home sick from Brianna's school. 21!

  2. Oh my God. ALL of you had it??? That's just HORRID. I just cannot imagine. I am *so* very sorry! As you know, it's one of my WORST phobias. I hope that you all get better ASAP. Any idea where you caught it?

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