Christmas Wrap-Up

Well it was a glorious Christmas from start to finish … made that much more prefect because it was a truly white Christmas here in Denver. We had about an inch when we woke up and several more by the time it finally stopped. Matt's dad and stepmom were in town and very excited to see Ms. Tabby. She took to them very well and seemed to have lots of fun playing with them. Unfortunately, they both had some sort of stomach bug while they were here and we didn't get to see as much of them as we might've liked.

Tabby was engaging and a bit overwhelmed, I think, and has a whole birage of new toys, books, CDs, clothes, and DVDs. We got to snuggle down for a nap midday and she weathered the day in very good spirits overall. Matt and I were spoiled beyond belief by our parents and by each other. This is one of the first Christmases that we've given each other gifts and it was really very nice. I got some lovely jewelry and a Lens Baby from him and gave him a few random things including a new duffle bag and some chisels. We're all set now to enjoy a bit of time off with our family … so we can do some skiing and play with our new toys.

Hope everyone else enjoyed their Christmas/Holiday!

3 Replies to “Christmas Wrap-Up”

  1. Merry Christmas!!! (belated) Tabby is just the cutest little thing ever, I love hearing all about her!

    That man of yours needs a sweater… brrr!!! Amazing how quickly your body adapts to weather. I am usually chilly when it gets below 70 around here, but after a few days in MT, I was able to walk around outside in my PJs in the 25 degree weather. So proud that I haven't gone entirely soft… still have a bit of Utah left in me I suppose!

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