Raingutter Regatta


Being as that I am a girl with no brothers, I have little experience with the boy side of scouting. Which is actually part of what makes Ben’s Boy Scout events so much fun. It’s lots of new stuff.


For the uninitiated, like myself, the Raingutter Regatta is the maritime equivalent of the Pinewood Derby. You build a boat, paint it, make it a sail and race it in rain gutters against your fellow scouts.

We (of course) discovered that this event was sooner than we’d thought on Monday right after Matt left for a business trip (that wouldn’t have him home until today), so I got tasked with turning the rectangular wooden piece and dowel we were given into y’know … boats.

Fortunately, I have been paying attention during shop time. And I was able to complete the task with little fanfare.


The kids painted them and off we went.

DSC_6322Ben competed against fellow Wolf Scouts and Tabby was in the “family” (mostly sisters) bracket.


It was a double elimination tournament (I learned how those work yesterday), and both kids won their first 2 races and lost their third.

DSC_6360Which netted them 3rd place in each of their brackets!

DSC_6365Not too shabby for our first go. More importantly, they had a great time!