Not sure if one could really call this a weekend. Other than the fact that I didn’t have to work at the office. We worked like crazy around the house, getting everything ready to … MOVE!
Though two pieces of our mudroom cabinets finished up last weekend, Matt and I still had to finish all the pieces for the broom closet and all of the pieces for the bookshelf/counter
as well as the bench-top for the boot bench. This is the only piece that is not painted white, but is instead gorgeous cherry. I loved the way it looks as you work with it. I’m really excited to see it installed with the white cabinets. I think the contrast will be striking.
So while Matt was still cutting and assembling, I was finishing. I am once again covered in paint, and he in sawdust. The kids got in on the action too. They can now sand things and help steady boards as they are cut.
During drying times, I worked on packing. Kelly came to help on Saturday and we got the kitchen almost entirely packed as well as a good portion of our bedroom. I packed up the bathroom last night and the kids’ room today. It’s getting tricky to walk around here.
Of course there’s lots more to do. We have just a few finishing touches to put on the cabinets tomorrow. It’s mostly touch-up painting, but there was an unfortunate incident where the main structure of the broom closet got knocked over by a gust of wind and the top was damaged. Then we have to finalize packing (those last few things you can’t put away until the night before or morning of). And we’ve got to make phone calls and pick up things like the air mattresses we’re borrowing from our friends and the barstools from storage so we have a place to sit the first couple of days.
It will be kind of a pain in the butt to be living in our house without many creature comforts, but not having the drive to deal with in the evenings will be worth it!
Of course it wasn’t allll work and no play. We took time off yesterday evening to go to dinner with my dad. He’s headed off on an extended fishing excursion so we had to get some last minute hugs in. He’ll be back in time to celebrate his birthday in mid August just before the kids are due to start school.
We also took some time to do some extra reading. The kids and I finished Little House in the Big Woods and I finished Eleanor & Park on audio as I worked. I also played a few rounds of Civilization Revolution …. Civ on the iPad!!
Vicariously living through all your home renovation posts! Best of luck!
I hate packing. Hate it. Looks like things are coming together! Good luck with the move!!