The Life o’ Jess

2014-04-19 11.29.55I’ve seriously considered bagging the whole blog a couple of times … as  you might guess when I haven’t had time to post in two weeks. Gah. It’s not anti blog, it’s just so full of EVERYTHING ELSE. And while we’re always going to be busy, I can see a time, a couple of months from now, when we aren’t spending two hours of each week day transporting the kids to and from school, when I will have time for this again. I don’t want to let it go. There’s too much good.

So a brief recap of the past two weeks:

  • The house is moving along and has most of its siding and roofing, which means stuff can really start happening on the inside
  • We’ve been really appreciating the great outdoors since the weather has been getting lovely, going on nice little family biathlons (the kids bike and we run behind them, trying to keep up)

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  • Ben got a haircut and that terrible thing happened that always does when he gets a haircut … he looked so much older.
  • I have been running/workout out more in general, a nice change back to the norm
  • I’ve had an icky cold plaguing me since Saturday that I am trying to kick
  • With the crazy schedule that puts us 20 minutes from home most evenings, we’ve been eating out lots … I’m guessing once we’re in the new house, I will never want to see the inside of a Subway again.

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  • This rum cake that I made for Easter is one of the only new recipes I’ve tried in a LONG time (and it’s not even really new – it’s one my mom made a lot, but that I’d just never done myself). It’s all been super quick staples on the few nights we’ve actually been home.
  • I had two weeks of absolute madness at work. 110 hours in two weeks. Ouch. But good things came out of it, so I can’ t complain too much.
  • Tabby has been practicing like crazy for her music recital in a couple of weeks. I’m excited to see her perform.


  • We all had a nice Easter – my dad hosted and did a wonderful job of it. It was nice to be together. The kids had lots of sugar. And somehow I accidentally dressed them both like Waldo. Didn’t have trouble finding them though.

And I will try to do better with the blogging, but no promises. Because just keeping everyone fed, clothed, sheltered, employed and vaguely well-rested is always priority #1.

One Reply to “The Life o’ Jess”

  1. Priorities change. I totally get it.
    I’m currently home on stress leave, so there’s so much time to cook…and contemplate cleaning…and blog. But I also know that eventually I have to go back to work and there won’t be this kind of time anymore!
    So exciting about the house, though. J and I want to stay here for a good long time, but he’s always had itchy feet about wanting to build. Me, not so much.
    RUM cake? I haven’t had rum cake since we finished the Tortuga Rum cake we brought home from our honeymoon. That sounds so good.

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