So … a mea culpa on continuing to suck at blogging. I’m trying hard not to give up. But a LOT is going on!! Tons!
We went to family reunion. Where we did things like … hike to a waterfall.
And take family photos… most of which my kids managed to screw up by being goofy.
We celebrated other stuff too. Like Matt’s and my 11th anniversary. We mainly goofed around and played video games and stuff like that. Simple.
We celebrated my dad’s b’day! Tabby made him a chocolate cake.
Then the kids started school yesterday!! Technically nothing changed for Ben. He moved to the next class at the beginning of the summer, but we made a big deal like he was just starting too. The super good news is that his best buddy has now moved back into his class. Yay!
Tabby started first grade! She’s in official specials classes (art, music, PE) and having a lot of fun.
Her first day was made that much more special because she lost her very first tooth!! During story time. She wants to keep it forever and has refused to surrender it to the tooth fairy in return for the cash reward. Ah well.
So that’s the haps!
Well it is great that it is a lot of good stuff happening!! A post perhaps about Tabby baking?