Wait, is it Friday yet? Just Monday? Carp!
I don’t usually do this, but lately we had some miscues on what was going on with dinner, so I thought I’d take a mo and post about our menu plan for the week and that way Matt and I both have the links we need to get started and anyone out there who reads this (hi Mom!) gets some recipe links too.
- Breakfast of the week: Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal with apples
- Sunday Dinner: nachos (late afternoon snack while watching the Broncos lose)
- Monday Dinner: Mushroom Stroganoff (with Beef because err I need protein)
- Tuesday Dinner: Cajun Mac ‘n’ Cheese
- Wednesday Dinner: Sloppy Joes
- Thursday Dinner: we will be grabbing a bite on the road as we head for the mountains!
- Friday Dinner: Chicken Pesto Pasta
- Random Bonus: We’re making as many apple chips as we can before we leave on Thurs – they are great in the kids’ lunches.
And on the flip side, here’s my workout plan for the week.
- a run that somehow never materialized (my bad)
- Monday: bootcamp – this is already (THANK GOD) done, we did “The Beginning” which was 2 rounds 6 exercises (Burpees, Wall Ball, SDHP, Toes to Bar, Box Jump, Push Press) for 45 seconds AMRAP and then a 10 min time limit to do 20 or 30 of each. I did not finish. But I did do max weights/height (50+ for pushpress, 40+ for SDHP, 20″ for box jump, 1/3 of my height).
- Tuesday: run 3-4 miles in the AM
- Wednesday: bootcamp, and maybe run in the evening w/a friend
- Thursday: bootcamp!
- Friday: hoping for a run around the campground
- Saturday: hiking
- Sunday: TBD