Nashville, Baby!

So we were gone last week. My good girl side wanted to pre-write a bunch of stuff and let it post automatically while I was gone, but my get real side revolted when she realized how much packing she still had to do. Packing up 3 people to head off on vacation (Matt packs himself, of course) is no joke. Neither is getting to the airport and wrangling all of the crap (giant carseats). But usually after I get all of it squared away, I can kick back and more-or-less enjoy vacation.

Such was the case with our Nashville trip. We left Denver on Thursday and got in very late. Friday we spent the day with Matt’s mom and caught up with a friend from Matt’s childhood and his family.

Saturday we left for Gatlinburg, TN, gateway to the Smokies, with Matt’s step mom, Sherrie, and his siblings and his sister’s husband. We checked out Cherokee, NC (tourist trap), rode go-karts, went to Dollywood, went hiking, checked out Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge (tourist traps again) and generally had a nice time, however hot and sticky it was.

We got back into town mid-day on Wednesday and the kids were DONE with being in the car (it’s about 5 hours from Nashville to Gatlinburg). They had fun running around Matt’s parents’ house and got good naps before we went to dinner with some good friends and their darling new baby.

Thursday we met up with Matt’s mom again for breakfast at the Pfunky Griddle. There are griddles in the middle of the table and you get unlimited pancake batter and cook them up yourself adding whatever selection of toppings you’d like. They also had delicious mashed potatoes that you could grill into potato pancakes. Super good. We also explored that area which has many new and interesting shops. The kids got home in time for naps and got to spend the evening with their grandparents while we went to dinner with friends and enjoyed a quiet kid-free evening.

Friday we headed off to the airport early … and that is where it gets interesting. I’ll save the rest for tomorrow. More photos here.


3 Replies to “Nashville, Baby!”

  1. Did you take the carseats on the plane with you? We’re debating whether or not we should take them on with us, check them at baggage claim, or gate check them. For the first time, we have seats for both girls, but we’re not sure it’s worth it to lug them around the airports. But we need them when we arrive. I’m at a loss as to what’s best!

    1. We did and we pretty much always do. I like it because it seems like when my kids are in their carseats they get that it is not acceptable to get up and roam around. It’s just like when they’re in the car. They also seem to sleep more easily. But it is a complete pain in the butt. We have luggage carts ($20/ea from Walmart) that we roll them around the airport on. We give each kid a backpack, have backpacks ourselves and then roll the carseats. Sometimes you have to take them off to put them on the belt, sometimes not. We will even roll the kid IN the carseat if we need to or they’re asleep or whatever. It works pretty well … obviously we don’t drag a stroller in addition to all of that. But you have to know if your carseat is air-travel rated. The Britaxes are and our Chicco infant carrier was as well. But the airlines are starting to check for this. Also you can’t put them on an outer seat b/c they block the aisle. I usually put 2 kids window and middle and sit aisle with Matt across from me. Good news is if you don’t do it most airlines seem to check strollers and carseats free-of charge and not counting against your allotted bags. Good luck!

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