What's Hawaiian for Update?

It may not surprise you to hear we're having a great time in Kauai. Beaches. Smoothies. Farmer's Markets. Running. Swimming. Fishing. Gardens. Chickens! Fish Tacos. Naps. Gorgeous Scenery. Lots of Fun. Giant Avocados.

The baby has become feral in a few short days. She wants to be “side” (outside) all the time. Yesterday she ran into the backyard, looked at the ocean, put her arms in the air and said “MINE!”

Today she pitched a huge fit because I (get this) tried to make her take a shower indoors. What the hell was I thinking??

This place is incredible and we are enjoying it immensely.

7 Replies to “What's Hawaiian for Update?”

  1. Tabby is too cute for words!!!
    I love reading her comments like
    “mine” to the ocean. She certainly makes me smile!

  2. Too cute about “mine” and the shower. I'm glad you're having a great time, Jess.

    I can't say I agree with you about the avocados, though. Avocados and I aren't exactly friends.

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