16 Months!!

Tabby turned 16 months old on July 4th. I will reiterate what every other mom on the planet says, “I can't believe how fast it's gone by!” And I can't. Wasn't she just the size of a loaf of bread what? yesterday?

I am thrilled at how well she's doing and I keep seeing her grow and change every day. She seems to know another new word every day (is this the language explosion they talk about??). Bubbles. Baby (with the sign). More (also with the sign). Pill (we say, “you're being a pill”). Papa. Grandma. Gaga (what she calls Kelly). Woof! Car. Banana. And on and on. She's also signing more and more … “please” is the big one she's using to her advantage.

She's also started babbling to people on the phone. Before she'd babble on her play phone when no one was there, but when we'd put a real phone to her with someone on the other end, she'd clam up. Now she's happy to babble on and on and on. It's damn cute.

She's mimicking us more and more too. She's picking up things off the floor, little pieces of paper, etc. and putting them in the trash. And she wants to walk on the treadmill all the time. And her newest request is to “see” whatever it is we're doing, cooking, reading, etc. and join in. And she's still every bit as affectionate as possible, giving kisses and hugs and patting whoever's holding her.

She's truly a joy to be around and I wish I had even more time to spend with her. It all goes by too fast. And even as I write this, I know I'm missing 100 things that I'd like to remember.

5 Replies to “16 Months!!”

  1. Wow-she's growing up fast. Of course they all do, but when it's your own, it seems all the more real, doesn't it? Is she toasting her own 16 month birthday with that vino I see beside her?

  2. Isn't that just CRAZY??? I can't believe that she's that old now, so I can only imagine how *you* must feel! hehe I love that outfit she's wearing in the picture. She is SO cute!!!

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