
Tabby is still cranky, tired and feverish. She doesn't want to eat much of anything. She doesn't want to be left alone. She doesn't want held. Tylenol + early bed is best right now. Poor kiddo. Hope she feels better tomorrow.

Started bootcamp. Am sore. Very sore. Work is crazy. I was in meetings 90% of today. More of the same tomorrow. Big family things to be dealt with that are all-consuming. Mommy needed a nap today too.

Made fabulous dinner. Now I have to pack up and get ready for another early day tomorrow. Sooo looking forward to a long weekend. Will write a proper post later … maybe even with a photo.

One Reply to “Whoa”

  1. try giving her baby motrin as well… it helps more for the pain than tylenol… but won't help much fever wise… so that is why Lore ate a lot of ice cream at that age… she has now moved on to popcicles lol…

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