The Plunge

Am I crazy? Possibly. Last week I signed up *run* the Title 9k. This is a yearly event held in CO on Mother's day. It is (as one might expect) 9k in length, or about 5.5 miles. So in exactly two months from today, I plan to pack up Ms. Tabby in her jogging stroller and run 5.5 miles with her and other moms and kiddos around the Boulder resevoir.

Did I mention I can only run about 3.25 miles right now? Yea … so I sort of need to get my butt in gear. Thing is, I kind of signed up to help me break out of my ennui (which I think has been brought on by still winter and not quite spring) and it really hasn't helped. Mid-may just seems sooooo far away. I also need to practice running with the jogging stroller. Right now I mostly run indoors on the treadmill … and while I've done fine running outside, I haven't done much of it with the jogger. Gotta work on that. And it'll be May … and theoretically warmer. And Tabby will be theoretically a bit heavier. Oy. What've I gotten myself into!??!?

Must. Train. More. Stop. Eating. Crap. On the plus side, maybe I'll look like that lovely vector chick in the graphic I borrowed from Microsoft. Nah. She's already taller in that graphic than I'll ever be … and tanner. Plus, I'm pretty sure those angles aren't natural. Or at least advisable.

6 Replies to “The Plunge”

  1. You are a brave girl. I think the jogging stroller makes things a lot harder. I love my jogger, but it takes walking to a whole new level…I'm not much of a jogger. I'm sure you can do it though!!

  2. Good for you! I have a bunch of friends training right now for a mini-marathon, but not me. Not the running type. Jogging strollers do make it a tad more difficult, but it shouldn't take you long to get used to it.

  3. That is great Jess. You will do fine. I did a walk once for BC but it was just walking and only 3.5 miles. I applaud you. It will tough sure but a good time spent with Tabby. Good luck!! I am so over winter myself. Should have said that in the email.

  4. Good for you! I've been running for 5 years now (I average about 20-25 mpw), but I've never entered any events. Can't wait to read about how your training progresses.

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