Jesser 2.0

As you may or may have not noticed by looking at my handy-dandy to-do list … a site re-do is in the works. Overall look and feel will probably change little, but I'm streamlining code and making certain things easier and nicer. You can preview my efforts here.

Obviously, I have scant time to work on this, so I'm stealing 10 minutes during lunch break and 20 minutes after Tabs goes to bed. And surprisingly, it's coming along. While I think it would be lovely to launch 2.0 on my blog's 4th blogiversary (8/8/07), I doubt it'll be ready in time. Anyhoo, if you have any thoughts on the redesign … things you wouldn't mind seeing or that under no circumstances can I get rid of or just general suggestions, let me know!

3 Replies to “Jesser 2.0”

  1. If I come to an entry through bloglines, I can't leave a comment. I have to actually go to the main link and do it that way. Any way you can put a comment link in the individual archive entry? If that makes sense.

    Hey man, you know how it is, time is precious. I have to poop when the kid is napping for his 20 minute nap.

  2. Beautiful update! I've always wanted to ask if you what resources you used to initially code the site because I'd love to eventually move from wordpress to my own blogging software and I've always loved your site.

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