Next time Matt tells me to book the earliest flight, remind me to ignore him. We got up at 3:30 AM Nashville time this morning to catch our 6 AM flight. That's 2 AM Denver time. Blah.
We had a very nice trip. Here's a rundown:
* Tabby got to meet two grandparents (Matt's dad and stepmom), her other great-grandma and her uncle Bryan
* We saw a huge snapping turtle
* Tabby got to spend some more time with her grandma and auntie
* We ate deep fried candy bars
* We met up with two friends from college and saw another get married!
* We visited two Nashville institutions and our Alma Mater
* We saw a human chess match
* We (Matt) swam with two doggies
* We took tons of photos
There's no place like home.
Welcome back and so glad you had a good time. But yuck to early flights.
Looks like you had fun! Thanks for the congrats! I'm happy and glowing and in love. And stressed too. Let the fun begin. Ha.
We went to Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and the flight was at 5:05 AM in Denver. We had to get up around 2. Which was 1 in Phoenix… YUCK.