Nashville Town

Next time Matt tells me to book the earliest flight, remind me to ignore him. We got up at 3:30 AM Nashville time this morning to catch our 6 AM flight. That's 2 AM Denver time. Blah.

We had a very nice trip. Here's a rundown:
* Tabby got to meet two grandparents (Matt's dad and stepmom), her other great-grandma and her uncle Bryan
* We saw a huge snapping turtle
* Tabby got to spend some more time with her grandma and auntie
* We ate deep fried candy bars
* We met up with two friends from college and saw another get married!
* We visited two Nashville institutions and our Alma Mater
* We saw a human chess match
* We (Matt) swam with two doggies
* We took tons of photos

There's no place like home.

3 Replies to “Nashville Town”

  1. We went to Phoenix a couple of weeks ago and the flight was at 5:05 AM in Denver. We had to get up around 2. Which was 1 in Phoenix… YUCK.

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