Thanks to the wonders of modern technology (i.e. 4-wheel drive and snow plows), it's fairly smooth going out there, seeing as we had a blizzard two days ago. Impressive! This is excellent because I still have a bit of holiday shopping to do and things will be open today.
This was Matt's first real blizzard. We got hardly any snow when we lived in Wisconsin and Tennesee (where he grew up) is ice-storm country. So he has greatly enjoyed tromping around in the snow and now admits that he should have let me buy him snow boots. I don't really know who enjoyed it more, actually … him or Loki. At about 9 PM on Wednesday night they could be found in the middle of our street underneath the street light playing fetch. Loki seemed to have no nerve sensors for cold and really no interest in coming back indoors.
Photos are here.
Amazing pics. Wow, dry as an ld bone here. No snow, no HINT of snow.
Loki cracks me up. Weird but I keep thinking there can be NO position changes for poor Loki to potty. Seems he would get one chilly undercarriage