Oh Tannenbaum

Well Matty and I spent a very enjoyable evening decorating our house for Christmas. We put up the tree and set out knicknacks, mainly. And of course we listened to Christmas music. We then attempted to take a family photo in front of it. We actually got some pretty good shots … but something was amiss in all of them … my stupid hair. It just did not look good yesterday. I'm not liking it much in general right now and perhaps this is hormonal, but it's how I feel anyhow, so it doesn't really matter. Anyhoo, I guess we'll be trying again tonight … hopefully today is a better hair day.

So anyhow, the house looks pretty nice. We had a great time unwrapping all the ornaments and reminiscing. I've got cool snowflakes my grandma crocheted and a ton of ceramic ornaments that people made for Matt and I at one of my wedding showers … as well as various ornaments we've gathered in the almost 8 years we've been a couple and a ton from my childhood. And once it's all put together, the Charlie Brown style artificial we have actually looks pretty darned good.

4 Replies to “Oh Tannenbaum”

  1. I love this entry! I love decorating more and more every year. I was laughing because I was saying that our tree was “Charlie Brown” too. Then I stood in front of the tree and started waving my arms rapidly. We laughed so much that day. Plus the kids get so excited! Oh, I love decorating!

  2. That's a nice tree! I'm decorating mine tonight after the little one goes to bed. He is in that stage where everything is so magical. He say, “ohh, what's that!”
    P.S. where are you registered? you can email me

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