Sorry for the cruddy posting last week. All of that jury duty stuff really screwed up my schedule. And I'm still not done yet!!! Today is a court holiday (Columbus Day), so we get a break from jury duty. But I have at least one more day, maybe two.
It is a gloriously rainy fall day and my happiness with the weather would be complete if only I were at home with a cup of tea instead of at work with a bottle of gatorade. But it is good to be at work. I hate leaving suddenly.
It was a beautiful fall weekend all around. It's been a gorgeous fall period. We got to go to the Paris Street Market, which is always enjoyable. We picked up a Sesame Street lunchbox that will serve as decor in the bebe's room. And I picked up a pair of maternity jeans when we hit the mall a bit later on. We also got to spend the evening babysitting Liam, which was all kinds of fun. He's such a good baby. We wateched Lady and the Tramp. On Sunday, after over 4 months of going without one, I finally got my hair cut. It was way too long and getting stringy (I don't grow long hair well). So it is once again shorter, and cute and fluffy. Yay. We also went to a family party to celebrate the visit of my grandpa's sister, Dorothy. It was so good to see her. I also got to make Apple Spice Cake to bring along. It's an amazing recipe. You should all try it out.
things are going fine. I don't want to bore you too much with that stuff, but I'll give a few details. My tummy seems to have popped out a bit more. And I've definitely felt him or her moving around. We're both getting really anxious for the ultrasound, which is in just 10 days. We'll see if they can pinpoint a gender for us.
Hope everyone else had a nice weekend.
Have you seen the del monte veggie cans with elmo, grover and cookie monster? I bought a couple for Luke. They are really cute.
I hope the bebe won't be shy too! It will be the deciding factor on what to paint the nursery. We aren't going to do a Sesame Street theme … I'll have to do a post on it all later when we really get it fleshed out. But I'd like to have some cool vintage accents here and there. So we'll see …
I really hope that you guys will be able to find out whether you're having a boy or a girl! How exciting! It's such an amazing experience. Really happy for you! So you are doing the nursery in a Sesame Street theme?
Glad you have a break from jury duty but boo for having to be at work. I'm at work too. I guess during downtown you can catch up on blogging. Ha ha downtime. Glad all is well on the baby front. I can't grow my hair out well either. Gets thinner at the ends. That Apple Spice Cake seems yummy!