
Well Veronica Mars was excellent last night. The seasonal mystery plot arc is really starting to shape up. Such a good show!

Anyhoo, it occurred to me recently, that I haven't really been watching movies. Even most of the things on my Netflix Q are TV shows. I've really gotten out of the habit of going to movies and I need to get back into it, especially since we live about 20 min from the $3 theatre. So I've resolved to try some movies … including this one. The 40-yr old Virgin. My mom and sis saw it and loved it. I've also got Spirited Away and Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit. Anyone else have any movie suggestions (especially things on DVD) ?

5 Replies to “Movies”

  1. Just make sure you get the “rated” version of the 40 year old version! The unrated has an extra 25 minutes that do not add anything to the story (and distract you b/c you're thinking about how long the movie is).

  2. I loved 40 year old Virgin! Wallace and Gromit were great too. Have you seen Garden State and/or Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind? Excellent!

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