Pottery Products

Even though I've been taking pottery classes off and on for almost 8 months, these are the first pieces to really come out. I had some snafus with timing, when I'd let a piece dry too long and crack because I didn't come back to class for too long and I had some snafus with clay when we accidentally bought the wrong type. Plus, I just don't work that fast. Anyhoo, the piece on the left is my fave. It's likely to be a candle holder and I really like the glaze I used. What it was though, I don't know. I'll have to ask my teacher. The one on the right I like as well and technically, it's the better piece all symmetrical and whatnot, but I don't like the glaze as well.

But last night, I felt like I sort of turned a corner. I made two pieces in one evening that I was really happy with… and I did it deliberately (instead of just letting they clay take whatever shape it liked). The first is a smallish bowl with a nice shape and the second is a small vase, sort of milk-juggy in shape. I can't wait to see them glazed and finished in a few weeks!!

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