I had the grandmother of all headaches last night. It started around 3 PM. I still don't know what caused it. It was probably my body rebelling against a combonation of lack of water (I usually drink 8 glasses/day, but I had had hardly a single glass) and a lack of sinus-clearing shower that morning. It escalated all day until it was throbbing in my right temple as we were coming home from a party. I hit the shower and advil (again) and went straight to bed… at 8:00.
Lo and behold this morning, it's still here. Not big. Not bad. Just in the corner of my head. It took a lot for me to come to work this morning. Especially since it's absolutely gorgeous outside. Staying at home and playing with Loki seemed like a very good idea. *sigh*
I do so dearly hope I'm not developing migraines.
I hope you felt better. I hate headaches (doesn't everyone). The thing is that I rarely get them. When I do though it isn't something I can't stand but a little constant throbbing that won't go away. Ugh.
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope it's not a migraine either. I am a migraine sufferer and sometimes they last for two days. Mine started at 21. Feel better!
I hope you aren't getting migraines either. They are EVIL. I hope you're feeling better soon. The water trick is a big one Monkey swears by (good flusher of impurities from your system)…