I have a small scheme. I want to spend all day tomorrow at home. There is a whole list of things that I want to do …
~ clean house (yea, I know, but it needs done!)
~ work on some stuff for this site
~ make some major updates to the site
~ learn how to screen print with my new print gocco
~ work on my New York scrapbook
~ work out
~ make some food, so I can experience home cooking that doesn't involve the delightful Mr. Ramen
~ catch up on my Tivo watching
But the trick will be actually staying here for a whole day. This is going to take major planning today to ensure that I have all necessary tools. Being drawn away from the house to pick up something for a project could derail my entire day and send me into a mall-related shame spiral. AaaaahhhhhH!
I hear that! Good luck!!!