
We were down on State Street a couple of weeks ago and we went into this funky shop that had the typical sort of stuff you see in places like Uncommon Goods. The shop was fairly average, but upstairs, there was an Art-O-Mat. I'd read about them on the net, so I jumped at the chance to try 'em out. Basically, they convert an old cigarette machine and use it to dispense art for the masses. A pretty cool idea. We got two pieces … one was a piece of jewelry (a bug cast in resin) and the other was another cast of resin (also with a bug inside). It kinda sucked that we got two similar things, but they were neat anyhow.

There's a list on their website of the machines that they have. But I notice the one on State Street isn't listed, so you may run across one somewhere else. Pretty interesting idea!

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