
I'm sitting here having my lunch and May is watching me expectantly. I know she wants some food. She gets petted instead.

Spike TV is unfortunately showing a marathon of MXC (a very stupid obstacle course show) and so Star Trek is not being shown. Well I'll get over it. I've got tons to do.

I was so POed at American Idol last night. Everything was totally backwards!!!! The good singers were in the bottom three and the bad singers where in the top three. I swear – it's rigged! I've never seen it so backwards on that show. I am going to vote next week. John Stevens and Jasmine CANNOT STAY. Grrrrr.

3 Replies to “Dither”

  1. I so know how you feel about American Idol. Total robbery. I have to admit the hubby and I love Xtreme Elimation Challenge! The husband though loves Star Trek. We might even go to one of those conventions someday but I think we might look a bit wierd not being in a costume?

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