So …. 2 months until Ben’s first birthday (and, incidentally, 2 months until I have committed to run 13.1 miles – but that’s another post). I am trying to not write the same thing over again … how fast it’s gone and how much he’s changed, but man, it has to be said. It went by in a blink. And he HAS changed so much!
A short month ago he was crawling like a champ and pulling up. He now stands in the middle of the room, unassisted, just biding his time until taking those first steps. He kneels, squats down and goes up the stairs and other objects very well. Down, is a different matter, and he pretty much goes head-first off whatever. The boy doesn’t seem to have a bit of fear and I swear, he’s the one that will end up with stitches!! He’s already fallen down stairs and chomped his lip open (twice) on his very sharp teeth. He constantly looks like he’s been in a fight, with scratches and bruises all over himself. He is very different from Tabby and not cautious at all … he just goes for it, consequences not even a consideration.
I also cannot believe how communicative he has become, clapping, responding to “How big is Ben?” by raising his arms and now pointing to things he wants and places he wants to go. He seems very keen to talk and I feel certain in asserting that he is trying to mimic words that we say for him. He says Mama and Dada, though not consistently and without necessarily correct associations. I think I may try to teach him sign language more since he picked up “How big is Ben?” and “How old are you?” and the corresponding response gestures very easily.
Sleep-wise … what to say? He is still generally up at least once a night for some milk. I have been so dead tired due to overwork this past bit that I have really not registered it all or even tried to correct it. This will be a fight for later, when I’m not up to my eyeballs in it.
He is eating like a champ and at least some of his gag-reflex issues seem to be gone. I am still being more cautious with him, though and cut up his food more often than not. He still loves his bottle, but will now steal Tabby’s sippy and have a drink from that. I look forward to weaning him off the bottle before too long.
Size: Who knows … still 4 in diapers, though I think we’ll be done with them soon, averaging 24 mos in clothes, need to buy him new shoes, so not sure on that
Likes: being read to, his toy piano, FOOD, dogs, music, the vacuum, climbing
Dislikes: not getting his way