
I just ran across a site called Group Hug . I'm not sure why it's called that, but the jist of the site is that you go there and anonymously confess things you're not proud of. I don't really know what the point is besides getting it off your chest … I don't think they're assigning hail-marys or our fathers to wipe you clear of your wrong-doings, but anyhow, there's a whole mess of confessions on there from the gross and disturbing to the pointless to the humorous … like this one about a cat.

I don't think I'll be visiting very much. It might make me lose my faith in humanity …

Is that Really Necessary?

Every three months, our apartment building tests the fire alarms. That's good. What isn't good is that doing that makes several long, shrill noises that drive May absolutely wild. She's incredibly scared of strange noises and all her doggy sense leaves her head and she makes all kind of trouble. If you're not in the room with her, she'll do her best to get to you (usually via scratching the heck out of the door). She goes everywhere she knows she's not allowed, including on our upholstered furniture. And she starts to burrow. Today when they tested, she tried to burrow under Matt's desk. She damn near knocked the flatscreen monitor off the desk. It tipped back and the window caught it and there it (thankfully) stayed. She also managed to pull out one of the power supplies and interrupt our cable modem service.

I really feel bad for the puppy though. I hate seeing her scared. And now that she doesn't hear or see so well, she gets even more scared. I finally have to tie her up so she'll stay still for two seconds and settle down. I really wish they'd test the alarms without sound.

What else? Oh yea, we've been sick the last few days. Just a nasty cold. Matt had to stay home though. You can't program when you're head is stuffed up to the max. We watched a lot of TV and drank a lot of tea. Mmmmm … tea.


I just spent the past hour working out and watching Alias. I wish I could watch Alias everytime I worked out. The hour felt like about 5 minutes, just like it does when you're sitting on the couch watching it. It's perfect for working out too. It has fast action, good humor, an amazing soundtrack and first-class eye-candy. Thank you JJ.

Not an Exciting Day but a Good Day

I worked for a long time today. I was sorting out the sort of things that I've been avidly avoiding. As a bonus for my hard work, I managed to avoid cleaning! So I guess something good came from it all .. hehe.

Meanwhile, I've been getting lots of good crafting ideas searching the web. Time to use that Michael's coupon!

It's finally gotten fairly cold and pretty rainy. I'm very surprised we haven't had snow yet. I love snow!!

Mmmm Cookie

These chewy chocolate cookie are hard to define, but definitely good. Normally a cookie is a cookie and cake is a cake, but this one is hard to classify. Its like a cake but with a hard outside. Probably because its made out of cake batter but still … We tried making a few different types of cookies before, like chocolate chip but with peanut butter chips instead of chocolate. They were ok but not great. But this cookie is definitely great, especially with milk.

Now, if you someone can figure out how to get a layer of marshmallow in the middle, let me know. That would be exceptional.

I'm NOT Getting Sick

I've been coughing all day long. My throat is scratchy and dry. But I am not getting sick. I will not allow myself to get sick.

So I will be drinking plenty of water, getting plenty of sleep, and sucking down Halls Defense Drops. I don't have time to get sick.

Sales People

This weekend, Matt and I went to look for a bed. We have a mattress, but no bed frame because it was a piece of furniture we didn't really need in the beginning and so we decided to wait. But now, we're starting to want a bed frame for a few reasons (not important).

So we decided to make the rounds. The first shop we went to had really neat furniture and so we were looking around when a salesman came up to us and asked us if we were looking for anything in particular. Against my better judgement (I don't really like sales people, but I'll explain that in a moment) I said we were looking for bed frames. So he took us upstairs and showed us some of the ugliest bed frames I'd ever seen. We didn't enthuse with him as he pointed out the various styles and the he asked me what our price range was. I didn't specify a dollar value, but simply said, “fairly low.” So the he went into this diatribe about how he wouldn't have anything for us as we would be only interested in “fashion furniture” from over seas with “welds that would break.” And on and on for 15 minutes. Not exactly nasty, just condescending. And the really dumb part, was that he had a couple of beds in our “fairly low” price range. They were ugly and we wouldn't have bought them anyhow, but certainly not after he launched into condescension. After his rant, he left us abrubtly stating that we could “look around if you like.”

Now c'mon. Matt and I are 23. We don't have a ton of money. We have to start somewhere. Where the heck does this guy get off being rude to us? Why did he even bother talking to us if he was just going to cop an attitude. I'm sorry we weren't the quick sale he was looking for.

Which brings me to my point. I've gotten to the point where I don't even want a sales person helping us. It's especially bad at furniture stores. They're typically snooty or they hover and put in their “designer” opinion. I can't believe that sells stuff to anyone. It just makes me want to sprint out of there at top speed.

So here's a bit of advice to the sales people out there. You're more likely to get me to buy something if you just leave me alone. Sales pressure techniques and insinuations about my income (or lack there of)will not work on me. They will just piss me off.

Hi Mom

Here's the exact quote from The Simpsons that we were talking about. It's from an episode called Burns, Baby Burns.

Burns: Well, did you meet Larry?
Man: Oh, yes. He made light of my weight problem, then suggested my motto be “semper fudge.” At that point, he told me to relax.
Burns: How were his test scores?
Woman: Let's just say this: he spelled “Yale” with a six.
Burns: I see. Well, I — ooh, you know, I just remembered, it's time for my annual donation. I wonder how much I should give.
Man: Well, frankly, test scores like Larry's would call for a very generous contribution. For example, a score of 400 would require a donation of new football uniforms, 300, a new dormitory, and in Larry's case, we would need an international airport.
Woman: Yale could use an international airport, Mr. Burns.

He he … I tell ya, there's a Simpsons quote for every situation. Really. It's true.

Fighting the Forces of Evil

I'm the last (lost?) powerpuff girl, baby. I've spent my day fighting the forces of evil by way of discouraging hotlinking. Hotlinkers have been stealing bandwidth from my site by directly linking to images. Sadly, it takes up quite a bit of my bandwidth and I'm kinda pissy about it. Hehe

Anyhow … What else? Laundry has to be done. I like to keep on top of it, but it has begun to pile up and creep out of the hamper. That's bad.

Who knows what the rest of the day holds?

SlamBall, Now That’s how Basketball Oughta be Played!

I don’t know how many of you out there have seen SlamBall yet, but should really watch it some time. It’s shown on Spike TV and is cross between basketball and Hokey with a few trampolines thrown in for good measure. The goal is of the game of the game is to get the ball in the basket. A slam is worth 3 points, shooting it in is worth 2. It appears that checking is allowed at all times and its just about impossible to foul.

It kinda reminds me of the full contact basketball games we used to play in middle school except we didn’t have the trampolines.